I'm Anabel

Business - Finance

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

For my second career, I wanted to do something that I enjoyed and that I thought I might be good at, and while I was getting some mortgage advice, my Financial Advisor suggested this field might be for me when we ended up chatting about rates, terms, and other nerdy number things for over an hour, and having a really good time. Turns out she was right!!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

By far my favorite Fanshawe experience was meeting my classmates, many of whom I'm still in touch with 8 years later. We were all really tight and helped one another in a way that I've not previously experienced in school before. I've rarely met a more supportive, kind, and caring group of people such as they are! It made my time at Fanshawe magical!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe gave me the background, knowledge, and ability to secure a position in the Financial field that I absolutely love and that makes me happy to go to work every day! Fanshawe prepared me amazingly well to succeed not just with the book knowledge I needed but also with the practical applications that are required in my field.

What are you up to now?

I'm a Financial Associate with CIBC Wood Gundy and totally love my job! I work with amazing people every day! In addition to a host of other courses, I most recently finished my QAFP designation and am now studying for the CFP Exam 2. I'm also an active Mentor for the Larry Myny Mentorship program at Fanshawe because I strongly believe in giving back and passing it on!


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