I'm Salini

Developmental Services Worker

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I was an International Student. When I was back home, I heard that Fanshawe was a reputed college, which supports immigrants through a wide variety of programs. Also, I chose Fanshawe because it offers DSW course, which is considered as one of the best course in Ontario.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The oppertunity to do Peer Tutoring was my greatest experience at Fanshawe. It helped me to motivate myself, concentrate more in class, help others in taking notes and in studies. It was an oppertunity through which I supported others as well as grow myself in my academics.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

A great international experience. It helped me to get out of comfort levels, moulded my personality and created a lot of experience which was essential for my service worker progtam. When I started at Fanshawe, I was in the centre of many doubts, agony and terrible missing of my family. But Fanshawe helped me to overcome everything through its resources and acceptance of different cultures.

What are you up to now?

Today, I'm working as DSW Professional in London itself. Through Fanshawe itself, I got hired in an organization named PHSS. Doing a full-time job along with my immigration processes.


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