I'm Gail

Social Service Worker

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I had been working in the field of social services for many years. After graduating high school, I didn’t have the opportunity for more formal education. I began my hands on journey of developing knowledge and experience at the grassroots level. I wanted more and I knew Fanshawe had what I needed. And Iwas right. I have been proud to have become an Accredited RSSW.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

I have to say I loved the time I volunteered with the Fanshawe College Alumni Board.. Their passion for supporting student success combined with the focus on helping to find ways to keep our alumni connected always inspired me. My favourite part of having served as Board Chair was engaging community, graduates, celebrating success and watching lives change through education. At Grad ceremonies, when given the chance to make the final address to the graduates, watching the pride in their faces and feeling the joy of their families was the best moment ever.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

I know full and well that had it not been for Fanshawe, I would not have had the meaningful career that I enjoyed. My studies gave me the tools to operate at a higher level of performance. I had the opportunity to graduate from Fanshawe and with my education / applied knowledge, I was able to take on a leadership role. Myco-op placement brought me to my passion professionally & voluntarily for 35 years. My life is filled with experiences at the local, Provincial and National level because of my foundation that came from an outstanding program and Professors.

What are you up to now?

I have retired professionally but I continue to use the skills I developed through Fanshawe and my work experience in my volunteer life and in the weddings and funerals I perform as service to others. I support grieving family members through a volunteer bereavement team at our local hospice. I recently started certification to be a Thanadoula (Death Doula) and hope to support individuals as they transition in dying. I have been engaged in areas of social justice and planning locally . Life continues to be rich and full.


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