I'm Brendan

Business Administration Marketing

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I went to Fanshawe unsure if I wanted to pursue Broadcasting or Business. The General Arts program at Fanshawe allowed me to earn credits in both and then pursue the path I saw fit for myself. That path was in Business Marketing. I connected with both the content and the professors in the business courses, and the rest is history.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The 2010 Ontario Colleges Marketing Competition! As I entered my final year, most students had graduated from the Diploma programs and had moved on so I wanted to stay engaged in my studies through extra curricular activities. The OCMC competition gave me valuable, real life experience, and created strong bonds with fellow students and coaches. To this day I reflect on that competition and cherish every moment of that journey and credit it with much of my professional development.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe set me on a unique path out of school which allowed me to pursue a specialty in Search Engine Marketing, while also equipping me with stronger presentation and writing skills. The balance of skills, coupled with unique courses allowed me to focus on a career path with plenty of opportunity for growth. I also gained a great network by maintaining relationships with my professors who to this day introduce me to amazing graduates who I myself have hired.

What are you up to now?

Fast forward 10 years since graduating, I am now working at Loblaw Digital (Loblaw Companies LTD.) as a Sr. Marketing Manager, Customer Growth on the Shoppers Drug Mart eCommerce business. In my current role, I focus on maintaining and growing our eCommerce customer base (customer retention). I am married, living in Toronto, ON, and have an 18 month old.


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