I'm Erika

Multimedia Design and Production

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I enrolled in Fanshawe's Multimedia Design and Production program as part of the collaborative program with Western University. I have always been a nerd for media and pop culture. It was important to me to not only consume media, but to be able to produce and create it too. I think everything I learned at Fanshawe empowered me to know that I could be in the driver's seat and contribute to the media we see in our day to day lives.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

My Fanshawe experience was really defined by my friendships and classmates. There was a small cohort of us taking the collaborative program. We took every class together and became a tight-knit community. We could always lean on each other whether it was working on a massive project or having someone to spend time with outside of class. I've kept in touch with a lot of classmates. One of my dearest friends from the program even designed my merch line!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe helped to differentiate me when I entered the working world. I had a strong theoretical and strategic foundation and everything I learned from Fanshawe turned me into a creator too. I could conceptualize an idea and thanks to the Multimedia Program I had confidence that I could bring it to life. Even outside of the multimedia space, I know that I have the skills to take any idea over the finish line.

What are you up to now?

Most people know me as the winner of Survivor 41. I'm the first Canadian to ever win the game! I just wrapped up a nearly 10 year career in PR where I worked at a PR agency and then in-house for various tech companies. I'm now pivoting towards my first love: media. Hopefully you'll see me and what I create on your screens one day!


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