I'm Dustin

Corporate Communications & Public Relations

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Uncertainty. I finished up a four-year degree at Western and did not have a clear vision as to what was next for me. I had considered Fanshawe before choosing UWO, so I circled back to see if there was a post-grad program that was of interest. A few friends suggested CCPR, so I gave it a shot. I'm glad I did. 

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Our program road trip to Hill + Knowlton Strategies in downtown Toronto. This was my first experience in an agency and it was an eye opener. Before this trip, I had no idea there were so many career options in Communications. It sparked my interest for Crisis Comms and I left inspired.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

It forced me to become self-aware. With the diverse course structure of the program, it made me realize what I was good at, and not so good at, but more importantly, what I was passionate about. 

What are you up to now?

I'm currently working with a fantastic team as the Corporate Director of Marketing and Communications for EllisDon Construction. I just recently moved back home to London with my young family after spending 10 years in the GTA. I'm still with EllisDon, just splitting my time between our Toronto and London office. I'm also exploring some new volunteer and board opportunities. I forgot how much I missed London, and am eager to help our community however I can. 


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