I'm Sarah

Executive Office Administration

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

After exploring my options for post-secondary education, I landed on the absolute best program choice for me with Executive Office Administration - I had found my calling! Having been raised in London, there was no hesitation in knowing that Fanshawe was the only college I would go to for my schooling... and I made the right choice! Location, employment options, support resources - Fanshawe had everything I was looking for in a college education, including an in-depth program in the field I love, topped off with every amenity in a college that a student could ever need!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

As an OAE student at Fanshawe, I had a GREAT time! Not only were my classes engaging and fun, but my professors were incredibly knowledgeable and became some of my closest go-to's for support while I was in school. Of course, Fanshawe student life was a blast! Many class breaks spent in the Outback Shack or the beautiful Oasis. My favourite moment was on our final day of college, our graduating class reserved a private room in the Oasis and all of my classmates and I held a potluck lunch celebration! So many memories that I'll never forget!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

I wouldn't be where I am today without Fanshawe, and I proudly say that to everyone who asks. My diploma was the foot-in-the-door I needed to secure employment in my field immediately after I graduated, and the skills I learned at Fanshawe have allowed me to excel in industries I never dreamed possible. Holding an Executive Office Administration diploma has given me exciting opportunities in both the Digital Marketing and Video Game industries - of which I'm still in today and loving every minute of it! The possibilities are endless and I'm proof of that - with thanks to Fanshawe!

What are you up to now?

Not unlike many others this year, 2020 has been exceptionally rough. My partner experienced a serious heart attack at the beginning of the year, and during COVID-times, our road to recovery has been challenging to say the least. However, despite an absolutely horrendous year, there is a shining light ahead, and funnily enough that light is Fanshawe! With the sentiment "Life is short" ringing even more true to the both of us these days, I'm currently helping my partner pursue further education through online learning at Fanshawe - something that we both thought would never be possible for him!


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