I'm Ryan

Journalism - Broadcast

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Fanshawe has always been a place that symbolized creative learning and exploration. Growing up north of London, it was a place I aspired to study at. My parents took courses there to help advance their careers; our family friends taught there; and, I remember driving around the campus looking at the exciting programs that brought students out of the classroom and into a green house or working on a massive harvesting combine for example. As I neared the end of high school, I wanted to spend time out of the classroom, learn from interesting people and explore something new.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

My favourite experience was the opportunity to work in Fanshawe's News Room as an employee during the summer. Fanshawe has several radio stations, both internal and external, that need a team to run the operations throughout the year. As a broadcast journalism student - I was hired after my first year to be a reporter. That entire summer was a blast - I even interviewed our Prime Minister (Paul Martin at the time) and broke news stories that were picked up by other local news outlets. Big shout out to Jim Van Horne for believing in me!!!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe gave me confidence. The program I studied was complex with overlapping projects and competing deadlines but it challenged me to push harder. That push was what I needed to find myself and understand how to let go of existing, self-imposed limitations. It taught me how to pick up the phone, chase a story down, collaborate with a variety of personalities, be curious, help others, manage a schedule and just be present.

What are you up to now?

Today, I am the Manager of Marketing & Communications at St. Joseph's Health Care Foundation. I get to work closely with doctors, researchers, patients, their families and generous donors to advance health care in London and beyond. It was a long journey here, but I can say with confidence, Fanshawe was key to my advancement!


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