I'm Mary Jane


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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I decided I wanted to follow in my mother’s footsteps and become an RN. Fanshawe had a very solid reputation and I knew I would get not only a comprehensive classroom base but would have varied clinical experiences that would ultimately serve me well!
That is indeed what took place for me as a result!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Wow, there are so many it is hard to narrow it to one experience. There were many clinical experiences that I will never forget but I also had an experience with the Director of the program that taught me to “ think outside the box” . The Director of the nursing program was aware of the fact that as a mature student, I had aspirations to eventually work in the ER or to venture into outpost nursing.
As a result she was able to secure me a position in my “consolidation “ period in the ER . Was invaluable!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Oh my, how do I narrow this down! The many doors that opened for me as a result of my training are many! I worked in the ER, I worked in community nursing with VON, I have been a CCAC case manager , have worked with Wellspring
( a cancer support center) , and been the GM for a retirement residence. Fanshawe gave me the skills and the confidence to think outside the box and to believe that anything is possible with a solid base. Fanshawe gave me this when I was given a unique opportunity to consolidate in the ER!

What are you up to now?

Wal, I am retired now due to the development of Stage 4 CANCER. I retired from being the General Manager
of an amazing place where once again I felt confident that I could make a difference. What I learned at Fanshawe has carried me on an adventure of a lifetime ... and is still supporting me!


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