I'm Morgan

Honours Bachelor of Commerce Digital Marketing

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Other than the welcoming atmosphere of Fanshawe College overall, they were one of the first post-secondary institutions to offer a Digital Marketing Degree. The small class sizes and course structure look to ensure that students learn useful software and obtain certificates that will benefit them in their fields. The incorporation of a semester of COOP allows students to develop work experience, build their network, and fine-tune their skills in their field of study prior to graduation. Providing opportunities both inside and outside of the business industry students enter the job market equipped with training in specialized digital marketing platforms.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

t's hard to narrow it down to one experience overall, I had the unique opportunity to work within Fanshawe Athletics during my four years of completing my degree. Volunteering with the Men's Basketball team and working in recreation and varsity! As a result of this, I was able to meet so many lifetime friends, attend and work national sporting events and watch our Fanshawe sports teams win championships, set records, and have some of their best years yet!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Without my active roles within Fanshawe College over the past 4 years I wouldn’t have been able to secure my dream job before graduating. The fundamental skills and unique opportunities Fanshawe provides for those who seek them during their studies is what truly sets them apart from other post-secondary institutions. Completing my degree at Fanshawe College was exceptional from the top leadership down; the support, educational value, and learning environment have provided me with the opportunity to excel in my field of work.

What are you up to now?

I am currently working as a Digital Marketing Coordinator with the Canadian Olympic Committee. I work primarily with Game Plan the COC's athlete wellness program where we look to support Canadian Olympic, Paralympic and National team athletes live a more holistic lifestyle throughout all stages of their careers. I have worked as a contractor with the COC for a little over a year now and due to the COOP portion of the Degree program, I was able to secure this position prior to my graduation date.


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