I'm Brenda

Corporate Communications and Public Relations

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I originally came to Fanshawe to play Varsity Basketball. I had been looking around at several schools and when I walked into the Fanshaw gym, I knew this is where I wanted to play. I initially took Recreation and Leisure Services which was/is a 2 year diploma course. I wanted to stay and play one more year of Varsity Ball, so I enrolled into Corporate Communications and Public Relations. This was the first time that I loved school! We had anther successful year on the basketball court but more importantly, I found what I loved to do.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

I have so many favourite experiences at Fanshawe. First and foremost, the people I met through my programs, sports and other experiences at Fanshawe is the best thing that happened to me. Many I am still friends with today. My other 2 favourite experiences was winning OCAA Championships in 2000 with the Fanshawe basketball team and being awarded Athlete of the Year for Fanshawe in 2002.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Being able to play your sport at the College level had a tremendous impact on my life. Learning how to balance school, sport, working and socializing was imperative to future success. Secondly, finding a course that you excel in and fully enjoy was life changing. I have used the communication skills that I Iearnt throughout my career every step along the way. From working on Parliament Hill, project managing at the Faculty of Dentistry at McGill University, being the Executive Director for the Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce and now Deputy Mayor. This course gave me the fundamentals to succeed.

What are you up to now?

Today, I am the Deputy Mayor and District Councillor for the Town of Bracebridge, Muskoka - my home community.


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