I'm Mariana

Child and Youth Worker

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

After reviewing all my options, Fanshawe College had a great reputation, I was familiar with multiple alumni that shared great, informative feedback about their studies and all were able to find a great career path shortly after graduation as the College is well known and respected. The way the program was described, and its flexibility to offer in-class and placements was important for me as well and made my decision to attend Fanshawe much easier.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The great friends and network connections that I made during my time at Fanshawe. Having the opportunity to connect with other people that have similar interests is certainly part of what made my experience at Fanshawe a great one - I was able to make wonderful friends, whom I am still close to this day. Additionally, the ability to complete placements with community agencies, making professional connections and being able to see what the job would look like in different environments is extremely beneficial.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe kickstarted my career and gave me the tools, experience and knowledge necessary to be able to start my career.

What are you up to now?

I started working in the social service field shortly after graduation, and have had the opportunity to work in different environments. Currently, I am the National Coordinator of Programs and Community Engagement with Tourette Canada.


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