I'm Dennis

Motive Power

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I came to Fanshawe in 2009 to start my career as an automotive service technician. Back then, working in trades was a new concept to me, and I wanted to learn about different vehicle systems - engines, electrical, hydraulics, and more. Fanshawe had just started offering an accelerated program for a dual diploma in both Motive Power and Diesel Power, and I was able to complete both in four short semesters. Fast forward to 2022, I’ve been a licensed technician since 2014, and I'm back at Fanshawe with the LeapIN Business Accelerator to build my mobile automotive service venture, Wheel Easy.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The hands-on experience of working in the shop with my peers and instructors was great - the first week, we took an engine apart, something that was completely new to me; what a thrill! I can still remember taking off the water pump bolts and removing the pump, only for my brand new shop coat and steel-toed boots to be doused with coolant. We laughed a lot and learned a few lessons that day - keep a bucket handy, and be ready for anything!

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

I would not be where I am today without the time I spent at Fanshawe - I worked in the trade for nearly ten years after I graduated, earned my 310S Red Seal Certification, and have kept up with many of the great friends I made during my time in the program. I was never a great student in high school, so I also attribute Fanshawe with really teaching me how to learn; something I’ve carried with me into my career and has given me the confidence to go on to earn a degree from Western University as well.

What are you up to now?

With my dual diploma from Fanshawe and a degree from Ivey Business School, along with several years of experience on the shop floor, I’ve started my own business - Wheel Easy Mobile Automotive Service, where we make car service more accessible by bringing the shop experience to customers. Founded in Fall 2021, we’ve received overwhelming validation from customers and extensive support from the Ontario and Fanshawe College entrepreneurship environment, culminating in our acceptance to the LeapIN Business Accelerator. We’re looking forward to continuing to collaborate and grow in the coming years - maybe we’ll see you out there!


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