I'm Summer

Developmental Services Worker

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I always thought I’d leave London and travel to somewhere else for school. It ended up being Fanshawe that caught my eye and sold me on attending. Everyone I spoke to was so helpful and understanding it was truly an encouraging environment right off the bat. I was originally suppose to do ECE but my brother, who has a disability was encouraging me to go into the DSW program a week before school was supposed to start!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

Weirdly it wasn’t a social events or anything that made my Fanshawe experience. Going to oasis and outback shack with my friends I met in the developmental program is what made it. I met my best friend in that program, 4 years later we’re both working in our careers and close as ever.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

It gave me my closest friend and all the skills I needed to go on and start a career. Growing up I had such a fear I wouldn’t make it to college and I wouldn’t be smart enough to make it through. My time at Fanshawe pushed me more then I’ve been pushed and I was able to step up and grow. Even now I look back wishing I still was a student sometimes.

What are you up to now?

I’ve been working a DSW career for the past three years doing community supports with adults with disabilities. Recently I’ve transition to the school board. It feels awesome getting compliments and people making comments about wanting me to stick around and it’s only been two weeks. Through both my jobs I’ve been made to feel so proud and accomplished and good about being educated and knowing what I’m doing when I’m in my role as a support worker. I owe it all to the dsw program and meeting my best friend and ultimately my time at Fanshawe college.


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