I'm Tameka

Office Administration - Executive

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

Looking for better opportunities for myself and my family, I left The Bahamas and moved to Canada. Needing to further my education and taking the steps to make London home, a degree from Fanshawe was my first step!

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

I had an amazing experience at Fanshawe. From the very first day I met the most amazing group of friends that would stick with me the entire two years and make a very big impact on my life. Most of the professors that I had were very knowledgeable and friendly, and made each course a great space for learning.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Aside from maintaining those friendships to this day, it was through Fanshawe’s co-op program that I found employment at my present workplace. I made such a great impact on the people that I work with, and them on me, that we’re all stuck with each other! All thanks to one professor at Fanshawe that thought this would be the perfect position for me and encouraged me to apply.

What are you up to now?

After completing my degree at Fanshawe, I have gained full-time employment at the place that I completed my co-op studies. I am also one step away from Permanent Residency, which is a very big step for my family, and we are thrilled to continue our life in this new country!


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