I'm Rachael

Social Service Worker

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What brought you to Fanshawe?

I still remember that day in highschool when all the colleges and universities from the region came to pitch their school to the class. I knew I was starting my journey at a college and as someone who got home sick easily, I didn’t see myself going far but I still had a few options. After hearing from the Fanshawe rep I drove up to London with my best friend to check out Fanshawe and it felt like home. The campus, the people, the community and culture, and the program all felt like a perfect fit for me.

Tell us about your favourite Fanshawe experience.

The campus and the people. As someone who grew up in a small city, coming to London and being at Fanshawe was exciting for me and not intimidating like going to Toronto. The campus is huge and there was always so much going on – I always felt energized walking through the buildings. I also loved getting to meet so many different people in my program, some that I am still friends with today. You spend a lot of time with people in your program and everyone I met taught me a lot about myself, life, and friendship.

What impact has Fanshawe had on your life?

Fanshawe kickstarted a huge transformation in my life. It’s where I began my educational journey and where I realized that the program I chose wasn’t the one I really wanted to pursue. It’s where I learned to be more independent, living with roommates for the first time and meeting new people. Fanshawe helped push me outside of my comfort zone in all the best ways while still providing that essential support every step. I miss my time at Fanshawe and try to stay engaged as much as possible, coming back to campus for visits to reflect on my memories there.

What are you up to now?

After Fanshawe I went straight to Western to study creative writing and English literature – something I was super passionate about (and still am!) but unlike social work, I had no idea what kind of career I’d be able to get. I worked as a Copywriter at Western for a while, interviewing faculty and writing articles, until I accepted a summer position at the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) as a Communications Coordinator in 2015. I’ve been there ever since, leading LEDC’s social media, digital marketing, and content creation activities, while connecting with business owners in the community.


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